The next night, Michael takes to Josh to a well-known bar in Beijing, called the Alpha Omega Club. Michael introduces Josh to some popular house drinks, as well as to a few of his girlfriends. While Josh enjoys his drinks, he detects an unexpected presence. For such a large city, Beijing seems to be a surprisingly small place. Dialogue Michael: 我知道你接下来这几天会很忙:要学讲课,又要看书,而且是三个年级。但还是要高兴一些,一定要享受生活。像我吧, 周末晚上经常出去,主要请漂亮姑娘喝酒。我发现大家很喜欢喝Grasshopper. 这杯很特别,你先喝一点,一定会喜欢。 Josh: 不错嘛! … [Read more...]
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