The next night, Michael takes to Josh to a well-known bar in Beijing, called the Alpha Omega Club. Michael introduces Josh to some popular house drinks, as well as to a few of his girlfriends. While Josh enjoys his drinks, he detects an unexpected presence. For such a large city, Beijing seems to be a surprisingly small place. Dialogue Michael: 我知道你接下来这几天会很忙:要学讲课,又要看书,而且是三个年级。但还是要高兴一些,一定要享受生活。像我吧, 周末晚上经常出去,主要请漂亮姑娘喝酒。我发现大家很喜欢喝Grasshopper. 这杯很特别,你先喝一点,一定会喜欢。 Josh: 不错嘛! … [Read more...]
Lesson 5: Gathering Information
Josh has a short conversation with Michael and gets to know some basic information about 筱如. He is quite excited about his future prospects and makes plans to hang out with Michael. In the next several days, he will have to prepare his first lesson. Wish him good luck. Dialogue Josh: 你说你知道筱如?快跟我谈谈她! Michael: 那个女孩吗?她跟我一样都是8年级的老师,刚到我们学校。我听说她才毕业。 Josh: 居然真的是一个学校!我真的太高兴了。 。她是哪里人啊? Michael: 恩..这个不知道耶。只知道她好像在美国上过学。 Josh: 哇!真的吗?我对她感觉很好! Michael: 哈哈,男人啊。 。 … [Read more...]
Lesson 4: Serendipity
Bohai comes to see Josh's new office, and Josh tells him some exciting news from his recent staff meeting. Here we also meet Josh's womanizing colleague Michael. Dialogue: Josh: 博海,你知道吗,上次在餐厅我要电话的那个女孩子,竟然也是我们学校的老师! 张博海:不会吧! Josh: 真的!真的!刚刚开会的时候,她就坐在我前面。 Michael (走了过来): 你是在说筱如吧,我就看到你开会的时候一直盯着她! 张博海:哈哈…Josh你这个大流氓! 哎,不好意思,我接个电话。 。 。 张博海:是我女朋友,我得走了。 Josh, 回头再找你。 Michael:走,Josh,我们也找一个地方喝酒去吧。 Josh:不了,我还要去买些东西。 。 。 Michael: 走吧!如果你想的话,我们可以聊聊筱如的事情。 。 … [Read more...]
Lesson 3: Shooting His Shot
Josh prepares to introduce himself to the girl who had caught his eye at the Chinese restaurant. He deploys his best Chinese to get to know her better. Josh feels almost infatuated already. But how does 陈筱如 (Xiao Ru Chen) feel about Josh? Dialogue: Josh:Hi,我叫Josh。我可以坐这里吗? 筱如:可以啊,你一个人吗? Josh:不,和我的朋友博海。 (Shouting at Bohai)过来吧!博海。 筱如:你是哪里人啊?中文说得很好。 Josh: 我是美国人,已经在这儿工作了。菜好吃吗? 筱如:都很好吃,我经常来。 Josh:Hey,博海,她很像你上次发给我照片里的姑娘。 博海:主要是你觉得中国女人都很漂亮。 Josh: 姑娘, … [Read more...]
Lesson 2: Restaurant Encounter
Lesson 2: Restaurant Encounter Whilst enjoying his Chinese food here in the restaurant, then Josh espies a young lady on the other side of the establishment who is destined to have a great impact on his future... Dialogue: Josh: 这个地方感觉很好。菜都很漂亮。 张博海: 是啊!你在干吗? Josh: 我想要照下来! 张博海: 哦对,你提醒我了,我也要照下来,发微博。 Josh: 微博是什么? 张博海: 就像Twitter 一样。我以前经常发菜的照片。当然啦,更主要是看漂亮姑娘~ Josh: 啊哈哈哈。 。 。 。嘿,博海,那个姑娘好漂亮,我可以请她喝一杯吗? (standing up) 张博海: 嘿!等我! !不要啊!你那样做会被当做流氓的! ! Translation: Josh: These … [Read more...]
Lesson 1: First Experience in Beijing
Bejing Lanterns Lesson 1: First Experience in Beijing Our main character Josh arrived in China two weeks ago after securing a job in a Beijing school teaching English. On his way to China, at the JFK airport, he met Bohai (渤海) Zhang, and the two quickly became friends. Since they were both seeking roommates, they decided to room together upon their arrival. Bohai has just graduated from NYU in civil engineering and is returning to work in a Chinese company. Our story starts on Sunday, … [Read more...]
Unlimited Everything
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Search Engine Optimized
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Airtight Security & Updates
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Sample Post With Threaded Comments
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