[TBS_COLLAPSE accordion=’y’] [TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP title=”What makes Lingwave’s approach different from that of other language courses?” open=’n’]Most language courses and resources devote most of their time to talking about the language, instead of exposing the student to large amounts of input. Classes devote considerable amounts of time to grammar study, repetition, high-stress but limited communication practice, and vocabulary memorization. Most online language podcasts, even when they provide good content, don’t follow methods that help the students to retain what they learn–and they certainly don’t provide sufficiently high amounts of input.
There’s a reason why people learn languages faster when they are immersed in them. Exposure to a language in a comprehensible way is simply more effective than grammar exercises, lectures, or vocabulary drills.
Our approach is unique in that we utilize the comprehensible input principle (popularized by linguist Stephen Krashen in his theory of language acquisition), combined with spaced repetition and natural language, to create content that will take you gradually from zero proficiency to comprehension of native-level speech and text.[/TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP]
[TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP title=”When will the Lingwave Chinese course be released?” open=’n’]Currently Lingwave Chinese is scheduled to be released in Summer 2015.[/TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP]
[TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP title=”Will Lingwave produce courses for other languages?” open=’n’]Absolutely. After Mandarin Chinese, we plan to release courses for Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian. Other languages will follow afterwards.[/TBS_COLLAPSE_GROUP][/TBS_COLLAPSE]